- What kinds of special educational needs does the College make provision for?
Bramcote College has an inclusive policy and makes provision for students with a variety of special educational needs including those with:
- Cognition & learning difficulties.
- Sensory Medical and Physical Needs.
- Communication and Interaction Difficulties.
- Social & Emotional Development Needs.
- Anxiety Related Needs.
- How does the College know if pupils need extra help and what should I do if I think that my child may have special educational needs?
In the identification of children with SEND a graduated response is followed. The following hierarchy is reviewed and stepped up as required if further issues/concerns are arising after intervention. A CAF or referral to other agencies such as College nurse, CAMHS etc may also be made as required.
- Initial concerns raised by class teacher/parents with pastoral team. Student placed at Class Concern and interventions monitored using college tracking data.
- Referral to College SENCO for observations assessments and implementation of strategies. Students will be added to SEN register at SEN concern level or SEN support where interventions are required.
- Referral to family SENCO for further observations, assessments and implementation of relevant recommendations and intervention strategies. Students will be added to SEN register at SEN support level.
- Parental permission sought for discussion at termly Springboard meetings, followed by referrals as needed for involvement with Educational Psychology and or Colleges and Families Specialist Services (SFSS). Students will be added to SEN register at SEN Support level.
If you think your child has a special educational need you should initially contact your Childs form tutor or inclusion leader at the College.
- a) How does the College evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with special educational needs?
Bramcote College has a robust quality assurance programme to analyse and assess the effectiveness of each department, including its provision for special educational needs. The Directors take an active involvement and this and a link director has special responsibility for SEND. The SEND Link Director meets regularly with the SENCo to discuss the evaluation of provision, overall effectiveness and the action plan.
b) How will both the College and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will the College help me to support their learning?
Students at Bramcote College are assessed every half term. The progress of students with special educational needs is revaluated by the SENCo and shared with parents. Parents of students with special educational needs are invited to review meetings with the SENCo in addition to parent’s evenings and reports offered to all parents. Communicaiton between home and College is important. Parents are actively encouraged to communication by phone or e-mail.
Students with special educational needs have a student profile to allow the sharing of difficulties and strategies with staff. Parents are actively encouraged to help in the production of these to more effectively support students in College.
c) What is the College’s approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs?
Bramcote College has an inclusive approach to teaching students with special educational needs. Students are offered access to the same curriculum and opportunities as all students, but provision is then tailored to meet needs. Students are supported in class by quality first class teaching with additional support from Teaching Assistants where required. In addition to this intervention programmes in literacy, numeracy and social skills are introduced as required to meet individual’s needs.
d) How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child/young person’s needs?
The students at Bramcote College are in mixed ability groups. Teaching is differentiated to support individuals, extend learners and encouraging achievement. As a federation we offer a wide range of appropriate courses for students with different interests and strengths at KS5.
e) How are decisions made about the type and amount of support my child/young person will receive?
We involve parents in discussions about needs and support for a student with special educational needs. This is done at review meetings as needs change. The type and amount of support will vary and is driven by the needs of the individual.
f) How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including College trips?
All students at Bramcote College have full access to the extra-curricular programme including College trips. A review of the support needed for a student to access a College trip is made on an individual basis. Relevant risk assessments are always carried out.
g) What support will there be for my child/young person’s overall well-being?
Bramcote College has an effective pastoral support system. All students meet their form tutor daily as their first points of contact. Form Tutors play an important role is setting students up ready for the days learning. Students who require additional support are assigned a keyworker or mentor who will meet them regularly. In addition to this we have a College counsellor that students with additional emotional needs can be referred to as and when appropriate.
- Who is the College’s special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and what are their contact details?
Julie Shiels
Federation SENCo
Bramcote College – 0115 9168900
- a) What training have staff supporting special educational needs had and what is planned?
The School offers a comprehensive CPD programme to all staff. This has included specific training on changes to the SEN policy and practice, Dyslexia and differentiation strategies. Staff specifically supporting students with SEND have been trained in first aid, dyslexia, delivering the ‘Switch On’ reading programme, Autism, delivering Catch Up Numeracy, supporting occupational therapy programmes, supporting students with emotional and social difficulties, manual handling and attachment disorders. Further whole staff training in planned by the SENCo for this academic year (15-16) in supporting students with autism, attachment disorder, hearing impairments and other specific special educational needs. On-going training for support staff is planned in supporting student’s access arrangements and literacy and numeracy interventions. In addition to this the SENCo is currently completing ‘The National Award for SEN Co-ordination’.
b) What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the College?
The College has access to Nottinghamshire County Council Colleges and Families Specialist Services. This includes the Educational Psychology Service, Communication & Interaction Team, Cognition & Learning team and the Sensory Team. Referrals are made to this service at the termly Springboard meetings for individual students requiring further intervention. The College also has a counsellor available. Parental permission is always sought.
In addition to this Colleges can refer to Nottinghamshire and Nottingham City Targeted Support Service, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service and Social Care as and when required.
- How will equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs be secured? How accessible is the College?
Place funding is used to provide up to 9.5 hours of additional support for students with special educational needs. After this bids are made for additional family funding (AFN) if additional hours of support are required for an individual. The individual has to meet stringent criteria set by the Local Authority to receive this funding. Further from this if criteria are reached then High Levels Needs (HLN) funding can be applied for by the College directly to the Local Authority. This funding is then used to provide resources, specialist equipment or Teaching Assistant Support as required by the individual.
The College has been assessed for wheelchair users and students with visual impairments. Adjustments are made as required to meet needs in accordance with the accessibility policy.
- What are the arrangements for consulting parents of pupils with special educational needs? How will be I involved in the education of my child/young person?
All parents have the opportunity to take part in parent forums and the PTA. In addition to this parents views are sought prior to and during review meetings for students with special educational needs. Parent questionnaires are also carried out by the College and feedback forms are available at parent’s evening.
- What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education?
The College has a student council that all students have the opportunity to take part in through their form representatives. In addition to this the SENCo and other members of the Learning Support department will seek out student views during keyworker meetings, prior to review meetings and through student questionnaires and interviews.
- What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about the SEN provision made by the College?
If you have an initial concern or complaint you should contact the SENCo in the first instance. Alternatively you may put your complaint in writing to the Headteacher or Directors as is consistent with the complaints policy.
- How does the governing body involve other organisations and services (e.g. health, social care, local authority support services and voluntary organisations) in the meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and supporting the families of such pupils?
The Directors actively encourage contact with outside agencies through the Nottinghamshire Guidance and relevant referral systems.
- How does the College seek to signpost organisations, services etc who can provide additional support to parents/carers/young people?
The College will discuss access to relevant organisations and signpost parents to external support services at review meetings. In addition information is shared over the telephone and online.
- How will the College prepare my child/young person to:
I. Join the College?
We offer a variety of visits and taster days. Parents are actively encourage to visit and tour the College prior to entry and these can be arranged by contacting the College office. There are also weekend and evening language classes taking place at the College.
II. Transfer between phases of education (e.g. secondary to sixthform, sixthform to University etc)?
All students are supported with UCAS and employment applications by the college. Futures interviews are also offered along with visits to higher education establishments.
III. Prepare for adulthood and independent living?
Students are offered a wide variety of course choices at KS5 to give them the most appropriate opportunities following completion of compulsory education. In addition to this interview days are held students to help prepare them for the future.
- Where can I access further information?
A copy of the SEND policy can be downloaded here
A copy of the accesibility plan can be downloaded here
The SEND Local Offer can be found at www.nottinghamshire.sendlocaloffer.org.uk